Mengenal lebih dekat tentang tanaman hias Alocasia

Photo Credit Alocasia adalah nama yang diberikan untuk tanaman dengan daun yang indah, dan sering menjadi bahan koleksi pecinta tanaman hias. Bahkan, sudah lama masyarakat Indonesia mengoleksi tanaman ini sebagai tanaman hias. Misalnya, Alocasia microrrhizos, Alocasia cucullata, dan Alocasia plumbea telah dilestarikan sejak...

5 Rekomendasi Tanaman Hias Yang Cocok Untuk Dekorasi Imlek

Perayaan tahun baru Imlek 2023 pastinya menjadi ajang untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga besar. Untuk menyambut tahun baru Imlek, masyarakat Tionghoa biasanya menyiapkan berbagai macam hal, mulai dari menghias rumah, menyediakan hidangan khas, hingga menyiapkan bingkisan berupa angpau atau parcel. Agar rumah menjadi lebih...

Guide And Tips To Keep Anthurium As a Houseplant

If you looking for a great addition to home decoration, the Anthurium plant will be the best choice to bring the exotic touch to liven up your interior design. Its vibrant color and unique shape can easily catch everyone’s eye and bring refreshment...

6 Types of Anthurium To Grow As Houseplants

  Anthurium is one of the Araceae family that has many diverse variants. This exotic epiphyte is have about 1000 different species that grow in many different shapes and colors. But even within a bunch variant of species with diverse bracts that range...

You should also be aware of plants that are poisonous to cats

Yes, some plants can be poisonous to cats. Typical instances of plants poisonous to cats include: Pet owners, pay attention! It’s time to make some wise plant swaps to protect your dog from any dangerous plants that may be in your home. Right...

Anthurium king of spades! a wonderful hybrid coming out from Indonesia

The Anthurium King of Spades is a cultivar of the popular Anthurium plant This wonderful hybrid, Anthurium ‘King of Spades’ is also called Anthurium ‘HU’ for Haji Ulih, Anthurium “HU” refers to Haji Ulih (Haji signifies a Muslim who has fulfilled the 5th...
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